Parent Responsibilities

ACS parents play a pivotal role in the success of the Christian school. Our partnership with parents in the training of children includes a mutual respect and understanding. The Christian school does not replace the parent, but works “in place of the parent” during the school day. In order to accomplish this important task, ACS asks the following of its parents.

  • Support the school and staff with your prayers, cooperation, and financial faithfulness.
  • Set a godly example in your home, in church attendance and involvement, and in service.
  • Encourage your children in areas of respect, obedience, responsibility, orderliness, punctuality, and positive attitude.
  • Provide adequate and nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep, and rest.
  • Participate in your child’s education, both at home and by volunteering to help at school when you can.
  • Promote your school in the community, church, and circle of friends.
  • Always support the policies, procedures, and discipline phyla of the school. Concerns should be addressed through proper channels – and never in the presence of children.
  • Use the Matthew 18 principle, when working with the teachers, staff and Administration of Appleton Christian School, in areas of conflicts.

Resolving Conflict

  • Our approach to problem solving is based upon Matthew 18 with respect to Galatians 6:1, and is summarized as follows:
  • First, pray about the matter and examine your (and your child’s) motives and heart. Go to the teacher or person involved and discuss the problem together. If no resolution can be achieved at this point, go to the principal or administrator and request a meeting with the teacher.
  • Going to the source — not to neighbors, relatives, and friends, solves problems. In all things, it is important to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It is our intention to give and hear good reports about people. See Philippians 4:8.
  • At time of enrollment, parents, teachers and board members will be asked to sign a commitment in relation to this. The Bible requires that any conflict between believers be resolved within the Body of Christ and not be the world legal system.   See 1 Cor. 6:1-7.